> I'm considering getting a propolis trap this season.  I never
> thought I would intentionally try to get this stuff, but the prices
> I've seen for it are really amazing.
I don't know about trapping, but a few years ago we sent some some
sample hive scrapings to an outfit in the States that advertised in
the magazines.
Normal hive scrapings when floated in water will separate into
propolis (and dirt) on the bottom and wax on top. This latter
material was what they wanted.
After getting a price from them based on the quality, we proceeded
to separate and ship some more of the same barrel of scrapings to
them.  They paid about two thirds what they promised and never paid
the rest.  I sent a few (unanswered) letters and gave up because we
were only talking about $50 or so.
But, we gave up on selling propolis.
The moral of the story:  Check out prospective buyers reputations
before you sell to them.
I imagine there are honest buyers, but these (well advertised) guys
Good luck.  And let us know how it works out.