On Sun, 25 Feb 1996, Eliot Braun wrote:
> No, she's not.  She has many other duties that do not include the
> booklet.  Further, the booklet was produced more or less against the
> wishes of certain people.  She had to create it on someone else's
> computer and then photocopy it and staple it herself.  You're welcome to
> it anyway.  Have a pleasant day.  Eliot Braun, Israel Antiquities Authority
> On Fri, 23 Feb 1996, David Ebert wrote:
> > She's awful slow in having that guide published! :-)
> >
> >
> > At 10:30 PM 2/21/96 +0200, you wrote:
> > >Ms. Harriet Menahem of the Israel Antiquities Authority, POB 586
> > >Jerusalem, 91004 or [log in to unmask] has produced another fine
> > >booket on digging opportunities for volunteers for the year 1966.  It
> > >will be supplied, free of charge, on demand.  Happy digging.
> > >
> >
Eliot, it's a joke.  Look at the date in the original post.  I know and
everybody else knows it was just a simple typo and the date was supposed
to be 1996, but the joke was still funny.
Elliot Richmond
UT Science Education