Hi All,
I think it would be interesting to see what Robin and Adler would do if
someone threatened or actually started a lawsuit against them.  There are
quotes a many in her book taken from the Internet with names changed.  She
even has a quote in her book as to why the names are changed.  My thoughts
are in {  }.

"   A Note on Names

     The selections of quotes that appear clusrered throughout the text are
those of real mothers, and in some cases, fathers.  All those I interviewed
are identified by psuedonyms to preserve their anonymity, because to many of
my respondents the decision to bottlefeed was a highly intimate, even
agonizingly personal decision {I have yet to find a last name used , so there
was no reason to change the first name, IMHO}.  When I cite a message posted
publicly on an electronic forum I have also changed the names of the
message-poster {so you don't have to give attribution and so the person can't
tell you you can't use their words}, to be evenhanded in the treatment of all
my sources {No, to be sure that the person doesn't try to sue you for
plagerism}.  Only those writers, medical experts, or other professional
opinion-givers who specifically requested to have their words creditied to
them are identified by name in this book.{I found only 1.}"

(Quoted from Bottlefeeding Without Guilt, page 31, author Peggy Robin)

It is my suspicion that the majority of the people who were quoted don't even
know that they were quoted.  And, unless they kept copies of all their
e-mail, they couldn't prove that they wrote those words even if they wanted
to, so Robin feels that she has nothing to fear.  It also seems to me that
she and her hubby like to see things in their own way, regardless of how
things, such as the law regarding using things from the internet, really are.
 They will continue to plagorize and steal quotes as long as they want until
someone sues them for it.  Here on Lactnet we have to be careful about what
we say and how we say it regarding a particular product, or else we risk
being sued.  I think it is high time that people who steal quotes without
permission feel the sting of the law!
Wish she had taken one of mine!  I'd have had fun with that!
Who is sick of people creating their own realities at the expence of others.
 (especially helpless babies)