One of the problems with knowing about the problems with breastfeeding, that
LC's and LLL's face daily, is that we tend to forget that there are hundreds of
people who are breastfeeding just fine without us! (And we want _thousands_

In my breastfeeding introduction class (given when moms are pregnant - and we
teach mostly about the hospital policy - I recommend LLL meetings for in-depth
breastfeeding information) I usually say something like:
        "Women are often concerned about what they can eat and bf.
        "Well, women in Mexico eat Mexican food, women in India eat Indian food,
                women in poor areas of the world eat whatever is available.
        "So unless you baby shows signs of having problems, eat whatever you like
                in moderation.
        "Your baby will get used to mom's cooking by tasting your spices in your

As one of the barriers to bf can be the thought that "I don't eat a balanced
diet, so I shouldn't bf," I try to make it as uncomplicated as possible.

Jeanette Panchula - who ate Mexican, Indian and Puerto Rican food (and M&M's)
while breastfeeding.
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