Just sitting at my computer and I received a telephone call from a
concerned father (mother doesn't speak English well).  The baby girl was
born on Thursday and they were discharged from the hospital on Friday.  She
was nursing well in the hospital, and the examination by the ped. went
well.  They called this p.m. because mom is nervous; today the baby is
fussing when put to breast, and mom is  having pain (sounds like
engorgement).  I went over position, latch-on, diapers (fine, but they
think she hasn't had enough BMs today, because she isn't nursing well
today), and baby's and mom's stress levels.  I also went over treatment for
plugged ducts and aids for engorgement.  Mom has pumped some for relief -
went over "be sure not to overstimulate", and, (intelligent people), they
spoon fed the EBM.  I believe I covered all the bases; I asked if he would
call me tomorrow to find out how things are going.  Any other suggestions?

Babs Cohn, LLLL