This is a message from Kathy Auerbach to all Lactnetters. She was on the way
out the door, and relays this message to you via my husband James.

She heard on the TV today a tickler for the OPRAH show...saying If you are a
person who does not believe women should bf in public, call 312 591 9111.

OPRAH is taped in Chicago.. They are doing a show titled Public Displays of
Affection..of which the bf part is one component..they did not say when the
show was going to be aired or taped. You can call this number to get tickets
or to register an opinion.

Can some of you LACTNETTERS get tickets and get into the audience?  OR can
you at least call in and register your opinions?


Kathleen, sensing a great opportunity.
Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLLeader
Co-Owner Lactnet, LLLOL, Corgi-L
"We read to know we are not alone." Shadowlands,  C.S. Lewis