Hello Lactnetters!
Just wanted to post a follow-up on the mom that went to Haiti a week ago.
 The original post was mid-December, to which I received many wonderful
responses & suggestions.  Thank You All!  The mom was going for a one week
missionary trip without 4 mos old baby.  She rented EBP (electric breast
pump) in Dec. to stock up on EHM (expressed human milk) before trip.  She did
have some access to electricity, so took EBP with her.  Had to use manual a
few times--got stuck on road back to airport (10 hr bus ride).  There was a
small political demonstration where the only road was blocked for 5 hours!
 Then, when they finally were let through, all the women & children had to
crouch down in the center aisle, just in case.  Baby received mostly EHM in
grandmother's care.  Grandmother drove 10 hours to Indiana to pick up kids,
EHM, etc, took home for a week & then brought back!   Anyway, mom's back, and
baby is happily back at breast! ;)  Mom said she's been a little sore, but
it's going away!  Mom told me she didn't see any BMS (breast milk
substitutes) while there, but said water supply is VERY poor.  Also said that
most children in the area where she was, continue BF until at least 3
yrs---Yeah! :)

BTW, this was a WIC mom!

Just thought I would share one of those happy outcomes!
Sandy Arnold BS, IBCLC
WIC Coordinator & mother of 20 mos old