Our HMO (Kaiser) has a Cranio-facial clinic for the northern
California region that follows all of our cleft palate infants. They
have access to all the specialties on their appointments there.
Recently we had 2 babies in one week - one cleft palate and the other
bilateral cleft lip and palate. The RN feeding specialist consulted
with us about their current recommendations with feeding. They have
been using Nuk nipples for these babies but turning them upside down
so the milk drips down instead of up and back. She said they stopped
using Haberman feeders because they found them to be expensive and
the nipples needed replacing every month. We reluctantly tried this
new method with the lip/palate bab y and it worked wonderfully well!
The other baby couldn't feed as well and his mom thought the Haberman
was faster and less work for the baby (Nuks don't always work well
for normal babies either). Both of these moms are EBPing also. Anyone
else have any experience with this?
