Adding to Linda Stewart's experience of stress causing lots of
milk....: Yes, there are studies on stress affecting
breastfeeding, prolactin level, etc. My thoughts on this are
muddled because of my own experience. I probably would have been
a basket case if I hadn't had the comfort of nursing Danielle
during the Yom Kippur War. My brother was Lord only knew where,
my husband was often at the hospital for several days straight
without coming home - he's a med tech - and every once in a
while, life was spiced with air raid sirens. OK, so now you all
know how selfish I am (note that I wrote that *I* was comforted
by bfing!).
Because of this, I tend to feel that stress is subjective. As
example, I have heard of plenty of moms saying "my milk dried up
overnight" when their husband's combat unit was suddenly called
up. On the other hand, other women (like me) in similar positions
are comforted by bfing, the important point being that **they do
not feel stressed BY it, but use it to REDUCE stress**. (Not
shouting, just emphasizing!)
How do you-all feel? Judy Knopf in Israel (how many wars have I
lived through?) [log in to unmask]