Hello- We've had discussions about headaches during let-down.  I am wondering
if anyone has any ideas for a mother who suffers increased migraines
following weaning.  Mom is 40 years old, currently nursing her third child,
age 13 months.  Nursed first child 3 months, with an increase in migraines
following weaning.  Had been bedridden for a month during pregnancy because
of headaches.  Second child was weaned abruptly at 3 mos with immediate full
blown migraines.  These are the kind that keep her in bed for 2-3 days.  With
the longer nursing this time, headaches have been minimal, but as her child
increases solids and nurses less, she is noticing gradual increase, and she
is understandably apprehensive.  She contacted me for info re: Prozac, which
I shared (thank you Lactnet and Dr. Hale!)  She was on Prozac prior to
becoming pregnant this time, in fact five weeks into the preg. before she
knew it.  She is knowledgable about suspected foods and additives- and has
apparently been given every medication there is.  I told her I would ask all
of you for ideas- but have already said that our best response may be- nurse
as long as possible!   What would the connection be between lactation and
FEWER migraines?  (She's been told migraines usually abate by age fifty-
maybe this is a case for a LONG-term pump rental...   :-)
Sue Jacoby, IBCLC & LLLL