There are many studies showing a link between iron deficiency anemia and
poor cognitive development, but as Patricia Stuart-Macadam has said, the
anemia is a symptom, that is, another outcome of the same factors that cause
the poorer cognitive development.  Children who have iron-deficiency anemia
usually have it because they are coping with many illnesses, infections, and
intestinal parasites.  They are usually malnourished as well.  It is the
combination of malnutrition and disease that results in anemia and in poorer
cognitive ability.  Curing the anemia through iron supplementation by itself
usually makes them sicker, and doesn't improve cognitive performance.
Curing the anemia through better overall nutrition and immunization programs
and treatments for diseases and parasites leads to overall better health and
better cognitive performance.

CAUSES (as a group)             EFFECTS (as a group)
malnutrition                    poor physical growth
diseases                        anemia
infections                      poor cognitive performance

Kathy Dettwyler