I need some suggestions for a mom with an oversupply and overactive letdown.

First baby, now ten days old, milk came in with a vengeance on the first day.
 The letdown is so strong the baby won't come near the breast.  Consequently,
this mother has been hand-expressing and bottle feeding.  She's leaking all
the time.  She's not on any meds.  Yesterday she expressed 44 ounces by hand.
Baby took 24 ounces.  Weight gain WNL.  Normal breastfed baby poop.

This mom is overflowing and miserable.  I suggested only expressing enough
for the baby and for comfort.  Reviewed the signs and symptoms of plugged
ducts and mastitis. She is not interested in getting the baby back to the
breast at all--or at least not right now.  What am I missing?  What can I
suggest to her?  She's two hours away, so we've only been in contact by
phone.  Ideas, suggestions and information wanted.  TIA.

Elizabeth Novelo Puzar, IBCLC