
I don't know that there is anything in the literature re behavior after
circumcision esp. r/t bf, simply because since many babies are bo fed, and
any experienced nurse can bo feed a sleepy/semi-responsive baby, who really
cares if they can bf?  (Besides all of us?)  My personal feeling is that
babies need to get some really good breastfeeds under their belt, so to
speak, before being circumcised.  What with early d/c, if you have a baby
that hasn't nursed well, has difficulty latching on, and then you compound
that with a circ, you will have a baby that will go even longer without good
feeds because of the disorganization that occurs after the circ.  If you have
a baby that knows what he is doing and is bfing well, I suspect the circ
doesn't upset him nearly as much as it does a baby that is having difficulty

I suppose it all goes back to evaluating the baby and treating each one as an
individual instead of treating them as though they were on an assembly line.
 "This is when we do circs; tough beans if your baby hasn't bf yet, we can
always give him a bo; no big deal."  What a novel thought -- treating babies
as individuals and looking at their individual needs.  What a blow to managed
care.  What a boon to babies.  But of course, the CEO of the HMOs wouldn't
make quite as much money, so heaven forbid we should wait to circ our babies
until they can feed well.  (Do I sound a little bitter?  Not a bit of it.
 Surely just your imagination....)

Jan B. (who really bridled at the story in Time Mag. re HMOs and Managed Care
and the salaries of the CEOs the high six figures and sometimes
the sevens.)