This may have been discussed already but several of my colleagues and myself
have recommended the use of Calendula tincture applied to the nipples for
those with the symptoms of thrush.  As it is usually prepared with alcohol it
can be diluted 1:4 part with spring or distilled water.  It can also be left
to sit uncovered for a few hours til the alcohol is evaporated.  A cotton
ball can be soaked with the diluted mixture and applied to he nipple serveral
times a day.  It does not need to be removed from the nipples when baby
feeds. The properties of Calendula inhibit the growth of yeast and hastens
the healing process of "abraded" sensitive nipple skin.  Calendula is also
known as the Pot Marigold, an edible flower.  You can usually find it at a
health food store or try one of the homeopathic remedy companies listed in
"Mothering Magazine."

Mary Kay Smith, CLE, IBCLC