Dr Graham-Poole pediatric director of Shand's Hospital Univ. of Fl Gainesville
has had a child who underwent a BMT also breastfeed as far as my
recollection serves me (my husband Tim was an adult pt of the same BMT
unit). The last that I remember was that all went well no complications but
every case is so unique and there are so many different drugs etc so many
types of reactions.

        The Attending docs should consider how important that BF her child
is and that there IS  no-lose, no-win situation. If baby does well she'll
be certain that the BF helped if the baby doesn't do well she'll be glad
for the chance to be so CLOSE she won't feel she has abandoned her infant
at a time he needed her most....If the BMT doesn't work and they don't let
her BF she'll blame them and the fact she COULDN'T Breastfeed....BMT is so
iffy at best with a less than 50% survival overall and even less survival
rate if the child is less than 2 years old at onset. It's in a HIGHER
POWER'S HAND regardless.  I KNOW, I"VE BEEN THERE with my own husband and
you feel so helpless, so powerless anything you can possibly do to help is
a blessing.

        Second thought, Mom could have her milk pastuerized, at the very
least her milk could be banked and processed (for a large) fee but it would
be worth it. Have her contact Lois Arnold, Mary Tulley, Denver Milk Bank
etc.....knock down doors till you find some help. (I do not believe that
pooled donor milk would be an option.)  Remind the hem-onc docs that banked
pastuerized milk is more safely processed than human blood and I'll bet my
IBCLC the baby has recieved blood or related products (platelets contain
hundreds of donors in one unit) not pastuerized !!!! please let me know if
you received this, I'm new to internet and I can't be sure I'm getting
through......God Bless.......Ruthy

I feel kinda dumb sending e-mail all over the creation but I never really
know if I get to the right person am I duplicating efforts and time