What an interesting idea Jon had to mention bfg ref in movies.  My favorite
is in Like Water For Chocolate, a beautiful Mexican film that is now in
video.  The heroine's sister has a baby and can't nurse because she is ill.
 The heroine is in love with the baby's father (long story) so as she gazes
at the infant, she has a spontaneous let-down which darkens her shirt. She
secretely begins to nurse the infant, keeping it alive.  She does this with
another child later in the film.  A woman behind me in the theater snorted
and muttered "As if!" when this occured.  I wanted to turn around and give
her a brief lecture on induced lactation, but you'll all be glad to know I
restrained myself.  Anyway, its the most poignant scene...

Barbara Wilson-Clay, BSE, IBCLC
priv. pract. Austin, Tx