My husband had a BMT 1991 at the U of Florida Shands Teaching Hospital
Gainesville, Fl at that time I met a fabulous Pediatric Hem-Onc specialist
by the name Dr. Graham-Poole (last name is hyphenated) He's a poet and
published in *Mothering* a unique publication for a *mainstream* and
highly respected professional  (with *heart*)  On one of our re-union
picnics I found out that he let a patient (infant-toddler) of his receiving
a BMT *BREASTFEED* (oh horrors) while under therapy. I don't remember what
condition he was receiving the BMT for or if t-cells were a concern. It's
worth a try to look him up in a medical or phone directory (U of F) You
might have to jog his memory banks because when I commended him on this he
acted a bit sheepish over the whole matter (we can only guess why). I
understand there were no complications and the child progressed very well
with an earlier than expected discharge (my hsband lived for 9 weeks in the
pod) No matter, he will be a fascinating man to communicate with, good luck
and let me know what you discover.