        Before you read this, please note that, although it has to do
with beekeeping, it has nothing to do with the essential purpose of
this list.  Please delete if you are not from Belgium or have no
knowledge of Belgian beekeeping organizations.
        My question:
        I am a librarian at the Center for Research Libraries in Chicago
attempting to establish the proper publishers of 2 beekeeping journals:
"Maandblad van de Vlaamse Imkersbond" and "Vlaams Imkersblad contact".
        To help me do this task, I would like to find out:
        1. If some members of the Vlaamse Imkersbond (literally:
Flemish Beekeepers Association) split off from this organization to
form a "competing" Vlaamse Imkersbond in late 1970.
        2. If this second Vlaamse Imkersbond is still in existence or
if it ended in 1992.  The publication "Vlaams Imkersblad" was
obviously published by this second organization until that year.  In
1993 the publication became "Vlaams Imkersblad Contact" and no mention
of the Vlaamse Imkersbond appears anywhere.  The "Contact" journal
appears to now be published by 2 local beekeeping organizations in the
Belgian towns of Gent and Lede.
        3. If the first Vlaamse Imkersbond is also known as the
Koninklijke ("royal") Vlaamse Imkersbond.  Their publication is called
"Maandblad van de Vlaamse Imkersbond" and appears to still be coming
out regularly.
        If you can help out, please email me personally at:
[log in to unmask]
        I promise never ever again to post to this list unless I take
up the beekeeping vocation myself (the "dance" controversy and "Aztec
beekeeping" discussion are both quite fascinating by the way).
        Stephen T. Early
        Serials cataloger
        Center for Research Libraries
        Chicago, IL