Contents: 1.) Web access to BEE-l
          2.) Email access to historical BEE-L discussions
          3.) Dave Claton's Booklist now on website
There are two ways now to read back issues of BEE-L.
1. ) BEE-l can presently be read on the Worldwide Web by pointing your
brouser at This is a
You can also still get there from
The National (USA) Honey Board Database is also there to brouse or
Most logs going back to 1991 are available the sites.
If you have web access, either by PPP and a graphical brouser or by
lynx (a UNIX brouser available on many UNIX shell accounts by typing
the command 'lynx'), this is the fast, simple way to go.
2.) For those with no web access, logs are also available quite
conveniently by email from
[log in to unmask]
However they only go back to 1994.
Due to the increasing size of
recent logs and limited space on the LISTSERV, the older logs have
been displaced.
To have a BEE-L log emailed to you:
Just send a message with no subject (subject lines are ignored) to
[log in to unmask] with the message
Where MM is the month (ie. 05 for May) and YY is the year (ie. 95 for
1995). Additional logs requested can be added on up to four more lines
in your message.  Be aware of the spacing of the words (No space in
LOG9505, for example).
Leave out any other text -- such as .signatures.  Additional text -
other than lines with additional commands -- will trigger harmless
error messages from the LISTSERV.
The log will arrive some time later in your mailbox.  Warning: logs
can be as much 650 K in size!
3. Dave Clayton and friends have compiled a new beekeeping book list
which is now at my www site:
We expect this list will grow and add features in the future.  Please
contribute your ideas and comments to:
Dave Clayton <[log in to unmask]>
Note:  To ensure more compact future logs, please edit the quotes in
your contributions to BEE-L - and leave off vanity signatures -
W. Allen Dick, Beekeeper                                         VE6CFK
RR#1, Swalwell, Alberta  Canada T0M 1Y0  Internet:[log in to unmask]
Honey. Bees, Art, & Futures <>