>I have been looking over a beautiful little children's book, L'Abeille.  As
>the title may indicate it is in French.
>In it the tools of the beekeeper are shown.  I can figure out most, but
>there is something listed as "le soufflet".  It kind of looks like a
>bellows.  Does anyone know what this is known as in English and what is its
>Whitney Cranshaw
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A "SOUFFLET" is a bellows which a part of "L'ENFUMOIR" (the smoker).
"L'ENFUMOIR" is the tool the beekeeper uses to smoke up the bees to calm
them while manipulating a colony.
Jean-Pierre Chapleau
eleveur de reines / queen breeder
1282, rang 8, Saint-Adrien de Ham, Quebec, Canada, J0A 1C0
tel./phone (819) 828-3396; fax (819) 828-0357
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