I'm way behind as usual, but I'd like to respond to Margery Wilson's
post(1/9/96) which was a response to another post about someone wanting to
just pump for twins and never put them to breast. Margery I agree so much
with you. Pumps are such a mixed blessing. I am seeing a phenomenon among
clients who were having difficulty getting the baby to go to breast
initially, so they are pumping to keep a supply and to feed baby while trying
to solve the problem. Then when we do solve the problem, they are so used to
bottle feeding, they continue even though the baby is willing to breastfeed.
I always am supportive of the mother's decision and am happy that baby
continues to receive ebm, but baffled by the choice. Once again I'm sure it
is our bottle feeding culture that makes a mother find it more "convenient"
to bottle feed. How sad. I'm beginning to wonder how many of the bottles I
see in public are actually filled with Human Milk.
Marilee Woodworth, IBCLC, LLLL, Ann Arbor, Michigan