Ok--it's Friday. Have you all had a busy week? Here's
something that lightened my morning: I've been working with
a mom and her nipple-confused baby. [**He is nursing fine
now!!!** He was refusing to be at the breast so you all know
the litany of things I recommended, including increased
skin-to-skin. Also, since I had it handy, I gave mom a
disposable supplementer (the kind that clips on) to use if she
needed to entice baby with a bit of EBM. So, that evening
mom and dad prepared for the feed. Mom removed all
clothing from waist up to increase skin to skin...uh, except,
where to clip the supplementer? Dad rummaged about in the
closet, came up with a solution: he clipped the supplementer
to a cowboy hat, which mom wore for the feeding! Yahoo!

Great image, eh?

Oh well, whatever works :-D

Margery Wilson, IBCLC
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