I saw a mom with a thriving 3 month old baby at a community breastfeeding
drop-in support session today. In the last month mom has had sharp pain post
feed in outer aspect of right breast only. There has been no history of
antibiotics, no thrush- baby's mouth is clear, mom not complaining of any
burning in nipples/breasts, and nipples are (almost) normal (more in a sec.)

Mom did some breast palpation and didn't feel anything- I palpated and
thought I could feel maybe an area of slight thickness, but no plugged ducts
or lumps. She has had no plugged ducts or mastitis. Baby has been feeding
well- no refusal etc.

Mom says the sensation is something like her "veins emptying" but it can be
very painful and lasts for (I forget exactly) half an hour. She has tried
warm compresses and massage and that has only helped slightly. The only
thing that feels helpful it to gently move her breast medially.

Re her right nipple: She said she sees a yellow or white spot there after
feeding- also on the outer side of the nipple. I did see the white spot
after feed, but didn't feel any nipple lumps.

My impressions were: plugged duct due to skin over duct opening and duct
cramping. I've sent her to her physician for thorough assessment of breast,
expecially thickened area, and to treat plugged duct by opening it. Could
thickened area be a tumor- would it cause such pain?

Do any of you have other ideas as to what this could be? What are your
suggestions for comfort measures.