I am writing in my capacity as the community representative on
APMAIF (Advisory Panel on the Marketing in Australia of Infant
Formula).  This is the body which monitors the WHO Code in
Australia.  Last week, at our request, the Minister for Consumer
Affairs issued a Media Release which said in part:

"I call on "Mead Johnson to honour the agreement which it has signed
and ensure that marketing claims are accurate, honest and provide
health professionals and consumers with real information.  This type
of unsubstantiated promotional claim is unethical.  Infant formula
companies should not be playing with the health and development of
babies for commercial benefit.    .........Mead Johnson was making
claims about the quality of its product without the scientific
evidence to support such statements and in direct conflict with the
scientific evidence currently available about human ingestion of
fatty acids."

One of the sanctions available to APMAIF is to ask the Minister to
publicise companies which are breaching the Code as it is
implemented in Australia, but this is the first time a media
statement has been issued.  These breaches arose out of a series of
glossy brochures, which played lullabies when opened, which were sent
to child health nurses throughout Australia.   The company had
previously been warned over similar unscientific claims about its

Anyone who would like the full text of the Media Release faxed to
them is welcome to e-mail me with their fax number.  As a Media
Release, it can of course be used or quoted from without having to
seek permission.

Ros Escott
APMAIF Community Representative
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Ros Escott
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Phone  +61 02 23 6398
Fax    +61 02 24 1398
298 Davey Street
South Hobart  TAS 7004