Hello everyone!

A mom of a 4 day old baby is concerned that the baby has not stooled
since she was born.  She felt she  never should have been discharged.
Is this common ?  The doctor prescribed a half a suppository (sp) and
baby had a messy diaper up to her armpits but hasn't had one since.
Baby is very sleepy and mom is really frazzled.  I took her a pump and
we discussed some rousing techniques all of which she has already
tried-wascloth on the face, unwrapping baby(house quite warm), changing
diaper, rubbing feet-back.  I think the baby might just have a weak
suck-she only goes on for about 5 min. then back to sleep.  She's going
to see a LC at the hospital tomorrow-I know her and am going to give her
a call.  Any other suggestions?

 Thanks in advance(even though this sounds routine-I even experienced it
myself and know how hard it is to get through) for any and all
                           Julie Miller, BC