Please excuse my ignorance, new to lactnet, not a LC(yet!--but considering)
I'm working in a clinic have a mom interested in bf,(bottle fed 1st child-now 4)
She has basically no support, family, including mother and two sisters are
appalled(husband is ok with idea) all have given her horror stories, cracked
and bleeding nipples, horrible afterpains, etc...
I have recommended names of LC's but mom is very reluctant, more comfortable
with nurse she knows(me!) I have 4 months to learn as much as I can in order to help her successfully bf and allay some of these fears. I'm hoping a basic book for her to begin reading would help. Can anyone recommend some good teaching materials?

Also, on a personal plea for help(sorry if this is not appropriate here, but I'm desperate) I have a 10 wk old, nursing well, gaining well and am due back
at work in 2 wks. Am using Nu---a double pump electric. only able to express
2 1/2 oz at most in 20 min.despite hours of practice. have tried everyhiery, warm compressses, massage, etc. Work environment NOT conducive to pumping
I'll be lucky if I get 10-15 min, and only then with a fight! I only work
24h/wk, most days 6-8hrs. Please any experience, advice, etc I'm getting
close to d-day!
Barbara  can also private e-mail me  [log in to unmask]