I would appeciate any information that I can recieve . Yesterday I observed
a baby who had an apnea episode at the breast. He  was born at 37 weeks ,
weight was 6# 4 oz. and yesterday his weight was 7# 7oz. His parents said
that the dr. told them that apnea in preterm infants  at the breast was
normal and he would out grow it.  They reported that this happens if he
recieves the breast or the bottle.  The dr. also told them that it was
necessary to supplement  just in case the mother did not have a good supply.
He is  2 weeks old ,the baby not the dr.  So I know how  to handle
everything but the apnea. Can anyone help.
I s apnea really that common in preterms at the breast
Pat Gorman CLE
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