To: Fiona Coombes, Perth Australia: Where it never snows
From: Janet Thurston, Faibanks Alaska:  Where its always snowing

Subject: SIDS

You requested information regarding research on the relationship between
breastfeeding and SIDS.  I did a large paper on this topic two years ago.
The information I read  described the epidemiology that led to the
identification of risk factors.  Basically over the years, at infant
autopsy- certain factors were noted to be related to SIDS deaths and they
were 1) there seemed to be a role of infection, - often the SIDS infants
were recovering from colds or other infections at the time of death
occurance.  It has been hypothesized that breastfeeding reduces the
incidence and severity of infection, and this could reduce the likelihood of
SIDS.   2) there is a role in infant positioning- the babies were most often
noted face down in position at autopsy investigation- could breastfeeding be
a part of this as well, since most mothers often nurse their babies in their
beds lying down on the side, with baby on his or her side?  3) other factors
related are smoking (do breastfeeding mothers smoke less than bottlefeeding
mothers?)  4) infant thermal environment - does wearing the baby avoid
overheating it and thus decrease the incidence?.  Do breastfeeding mothers
tend to have more skin to skin with their babies?  Of course there is not
enough study yet because we know that a mother who breastfeeds and does
everything "just right" can still loose her infant to SIDS -thus we don't
know the cause, but can identify some risk factors.  Major studies were done
in Australia and there is a plethora of info there.  The research done in
England on this is also quite fascinating.  I would like to refer you to Dr.
Peter Fleming, of University of Bristol, St. Micheals Hospital, Southwell
St. Bristol UK BS2 8Eg - FAX (0272) 285751.  He has published a large number
of articles which you can find in a lit search.. Also another source - SIDS
Research Foundation, 1227 Malvern Rd. Melbourne Victoria Australia 3144 -
tel # (613) 822-9611.  There are many SIDS organizations through out the
world, in Norway, Canada, USA, UK.  Contact SIDS  International @ 5504
Spearmint Dr. Charlotee, NC 28227 - FAX (704) 454-4635.
Good luck!! - Janet Thurston  SNM, IBCLC.