The International Conference on Breastfeeding held last week in Orlando
Florida was a huge success. Dr. Azza Abul Fadl gave me a copy of Egypt's
Guidelines for Action for World Breastfeeding week 1995, and "Breastfeeding
Promotion in Practice: Facts for Action for Health Professionals" which
supports their Baby & Mother Friendly Hospital Initiative. I saw a similar
document from Indonesia. (I think - couldn't read it, but the 4 doctors from
Indonesia were very proud of their country's program and the pictures told
the story very well.)

I sure wish I could have reciprocated by sharing the US's versions of these
documents!  If we can get two space stations to link up, why can't we get
moms and babies linked up better than we are now? Is reducing death and
disease in our women and children through reduced artificial feeding any
harder than landing men on the moon or orbiting the Hubble space telescope?
Or more expensive??  This is surely a call to action for all of us in the US
on all levels!

Linda Smith, still glowing from the warm Florida sun and being with 200
like-minded, enthusiastic, knowledgable BF folks from around the world.
Private practice, Dayton OH