I'm a new latnetter and have been reading and gaining valuable breastfeeding
information. I am an RN, Labour and Delivery Nurse, prenatal instructor and
lactation consultant in Ontario, Canada.Am also a mother of 4 bf.boys who
are almost all teenagers. Just began process of setting up a private Bf
clinic but would rather do this within a hospital setting but we have
nothing but uncertainty here because of health care cut-backs. Can anyone in
private practise in Canada tell me what you are doing?

My next question is about tongue-tie. I've read all the information in
Lactation Journal but wonder if there is anything more recent regarding how
severe it should be before the snipping is done? any contraindications to
snipping the "tie"?

Keep the info. coming, where I am its hard to get together with othe LC's

Attie Sandink, R.N. IBCLC. <[log in to unmask]>