I am working with a WIC mom,  prima para, delivered  prematurely at 30 weeks
gestation. Baby is still hospitalized in NICU, on a heart monitor, Birthweight-
3#  5 oz; current weight 4# 12 oz (per mom), baby being fed by gavage  ; having
some trouble with bottles, just spoke with NICU nurses to assist mom attempting
to put to breast more often, or teaching finger feeding . Mom doing lots of skin
to skin.  Per mom baby latched-on once or twice but pushed away after a one

Mom having difficulty pumping as I recommended,( only pumped 2x yesterday)  due
to stress of going back and forth to hosp,  but also complains that she feels
dizzy, naseous and sleepy when pumping. Has anyone had experience with this
before? Mom also naseous during meal times and thus not eating much. Mom was
gestational diabetic, diet controlled.  I don't know if this could contribute at
all.  Or could it be this mom is having a strong reaction to hormonal cascade of
milk-ejection reflex?

Until now her milk volume has been rather low, 1-1/2 oz/ session.  Attempting to
get her to M.D. for eval but having trouble secondary to mom's language barrier
(Spanish-speaking only) and busy clinic sched for M.D.

Any ideas on this "dizziness, nausea and sleepiness"  are be greatly

Thanks in advance.

Jeannette Newman-Velez, R.D., M.P.H. , I.B.C.L.C.
YWCA WIC Breastfeeding Promotion Coordinator
Davis, California
E-mail  76623.417@ compuserve.com