This is something I've started recognizing a connection between more often.
 I would really like to see some research done in this area.  I wonder if
there are any MD's out there who specialize in infertility, and also work
with a lot of induced lactation, who might have noticed some trends.  In my
area, I have also found that these mom's are usually very motivated to
breastfeed, and that the OB's who specialize in high risk, infertility are
not open to anything 'unnatural' to help establish lactation.  I had one
client who had gone through years of many different infertility treatments
before achieving a pregnancy, who desperately wanted to breastfeed, after
going through everything I could think of, with no increase in milk
production, I suggested the possiblity of galactogogues, and provided a
report and documentation of treatment strategies from all of our favorite,
well-known medical texts, only to have the OB tell the mother that using
medications to induce lactation was unheard of, and 'unnatural', and
obviously she wasn't 'intended' by nature to breastfeed.  She should just
accept that fact.

I've had very similar situations happen with other mothers.  It boggles my
mind that the MD could not see the hypocrisy in his statement.  He also of
course implied to the mother that I must be a little looney-tunes to even
suggest such an option.  (Fortunately, she dis-regarded that since I had
provided hours of emotional support as well as technical support to her by
that point.)

If anyone has found another avenue of approach with these 'high-tech' OB's
that works, I would be open to it.

Kathe Catone