I believe some of you were looking for references on restricting or forcing
fluids in the nursing mother and their effects on milk production. You can
find the information on page 287 in the latest edition of Ruth Lawrence's
book. Here is what she says:
"No data support the assumption that increasing fluid intake will increase
milk volume. Conversely, restricting fluids has not been shown to decrease
milk volume. Forcing fluids, on the other hand, has been shown by Dusdieker
et al to negatively affect milk production in a controlled crossover design
study of breastfeeding mothers. Thus, women taking excessive fluids produced
less milk, suggesting that drinking to thirst and heeding body cues is more
physiologic than prescribing a specific amount of fluid a day."

Olsen, A. : Nursing under conditions of thirst or excessive ingestion of
fluids, Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 20:313, 1940

Dusdieker, L.B., Booth, B.M., Stumbo, P.J. et al: Effect of supplemental
fluids on human milk production, J Pediatr 106:207, 1985
Dany Gauthier IBCLC
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