For Linda Smith and others who have asked:  Anyone can be a member of the
James McKenna Fan Club.  My main activity as its "President" is keeping a
file cabinet full of reprints of his work and sending them to everyone who
requests (and a lot of people who don't request, but who I think would
benefit by knowing).  I send information about his research to other people
who do research on infant sleep, but don't seem to have thought about where
baby would naturally be if not for cultural beliefs about separate
cribs/rooms; I send copies to popular women's magazines that have columns
about children's "sleep problems", etc.  I also keep a stack of copies of "A
Reasonable Sleep" -- an article written by Meredith Small *about* James
McKenna's research, written for Discover magazine originally, so short and
simple -- and hand these out to pregnant friends and colleagues,
grandparents, etc.  Anyone who may be in a position to think about where
baby is/should be sleeping.  This past summer I did make up "buttons" with
McKenna's picture, and handed them out at LLLI, but they are all gone.  The
new chapter by McKenna and Bernshaw in "Breastfeeding: Biocultural
Perspectives" is what I've been sending out lately, since it includes
references to all his previous work on this topic.

BTW, the most recent rulings about photocopying and using chapters from
books is that as long as you don't copy more than 50 pages from a book, you
don't need publisher's permission and you don't have to pay royalties.  So
anyone is free to copy single chapters from BF: Biocultural Perspectives,
and hand them out single to people you think could benefit from them.

Kathy Dettwyler