I happened to be on my way to a meeting today and was listening to a
program called "Weekday" on NPR. There was an interview with a
 woman from India who is an agricultural expert on the
devastating effects of artificial fertilizers and pesticides on the soil
and small farming communities of India, and the tactics used to market
the "green revolution" in 3rd world nations. While I don't know a great
deal about this topic, the discussion immediately brought to my mind some
paralells with the artificial baby milk industry. What really surprised
me though was that the interviewer also caught this and actually asked
the woman being interviewed if she noted similarities in the marketing of
infant formula and the marketing of the green revolution and tactics of
the agri-business.  There ensued a  fascinating discussion for
a few minutes along these lines.  I was very pleased with the positive slant
toward breastfeeding and the commentary on marketing tactics.  Altogether
a most enlightening and pleasing interview!

Ione Sims, GNM, IBCLC