
While the submucosal cleft is a possibility, did you do a digital suck
exam? Did the baby by any chance have high concavity (ie "bubble"  palate)
in the roof of the mouth? Or was baby tongue thrusting? Dropping jaw too
much and losing tongue contact?  I've seen clicking many times, and for
various reasons. A highly allergic baby may exhibit a poor suck and
clicking. If you are truly suspicious of the cleft, you might check to see
if the baby has a single or split uvula--- that apparently often goes
along with the submucosal condition. If not, you might consider the suck
assessment, if you already have not done it, before referring on. I do not
necessarily trust all the other specialists to pick up on the right thing
regarding breastfeeding, as they seldom are examining problems from the
angle that we are.


Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC
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