Hi! I am happy to join such a spirited group. My name is Roberta
Cricco-Lizza RN, MPH/MS. I am a doctoral student in nursing at NYU. My
research interests are in public attitudes about breastfeeding, bf in public,
and long term bf. I would appreciate any recommendations for research tools
that any of you might have utilized in regards to these topics.
   I have also long term breastfed 4 wonderful children. My first child had
esophageal atresia with a Te-Fistula,VSD, and was in NICU for 2 mos. She was
unable to be put to the breast for 2 mos. but quickly became an expert  and
has flourished since then. My  4th child has a sub mucous cleft palate, and
despite initial problems is now an enthusiastic nurser. Breastfeeding has
worked miracles for me!!!