I am working on revising hospital and our hospital based pump
station's policies on milk expression and storage for both heathy and
hospitalized babies. After doing a literature review, I have these
questions for the list.

1.  Currently we allow the use of frozen milk in our NICU. Two
articles in the 10/93 Am Journal of Infection Control titled "Aerobes
isolated in fecal microflora of infants in the intensive care nursery:
relationship to human milk use and systemic sepsis" and "Bacterial
contaminants of collected and frozen human milk used in an intensive
care nursery" have me questioning our policy.  These articles
implicate S. Aureus from frozen human milk in gut origin sepsis.

What are you'all doing for breast milk storage in the NICU?  Do you
allow use of frozen milk?

2.  I attended a conference last year and remember hearing about
research supporting refrigerator storage of breastmilk for up to 8
days.  I cannot find reference to this in the literature.  Anyone know
of this new guideline and the research supporting it.

3.  Must the mom pumping for a babe in an NICU pump into sterile
bottles?  What do you do for other pump parts?  How often does
sterilization take place.  I assume everyone now reccommends storage
rigid plastic containers.

4.  Can a mom use a lanolin product (P___L_n or L______h if pumping
for a babe in the NICU.

I guess that's enough questions for now. :>  Thanks in advance for the
discussion of these issues.

Best Regards,

Glenda Deahl, RNC, ICCE, IBCLC