Hello all.  I was "away" last week commuting to Seattle for a week of
learning to better teacher.  I was able to learn about the 1995 update of
the "Healthy People 2000".  This is a 10-year plan, started in 1995, with
various goals for health promotion for the American people.  It is
primarily a political document with PC (politically correct) targets rather
realistically attainable goals.  I thought I'd share the breastfeeding info
with you.

The baseline rate of breastfeeding (any breastfeeding, including use of
supplements) was 54% initially
and 21% at 6 months.  The target is 75% initiation and 50% at six
months.  5 years later we're at 56% initiation and 21% at six months.
(They use the Ross data). :-(  White, middle class, well-educated women
living in the Western states are the only ones close to the goal.  The
most progress has been seen in low income women (way to go WIC!) and
women of color.

Anne Montgomery, M.D.
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St.Peter Hospital Family Practice Residency
Olympia, WA