From: coleb                Mon Jan 15, 1996 -- 07:15:37 PM
To: [log in to unmask]@
To Linda Stewart,

Thank you for saying what I have always felt.  If a mom wants to give her
baby the best nutrition, but she doesn't care to breastfeed, why not
encourage her.  I will admit to these moms it's a lot more work to pump and
feed.  But bottle-fed babies can be nurtured *just as well* as breastfed
babies.  It just depends upon the person who is doing the nurturing.  There
is no way in the world my son could know any more love, closeness, or
security than he does now.  Of course that's his mother's opinion, but I hear
that from all of his teachers, too.  So, IMHO, Linda, I agree wholeheartedly!