I have been out of Lactnet for a week (thanks to AOL), so I apologize if this
has already been posted, but I couldn't bear not sharing some good news!

The February 96 issue of Better Homes & Gardens includes an article titled
"Breast Cancer--Beating the Odds", by Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD.  I would like
to mention that it includes BREASTFEEDING  as a preventative measure! ;)

The SECOND paragraph of the article says:
"There is much you can do to decrease your risk.  According the the National
Academy of Sciences report, "Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer," lifestyle is
responsible for up to 60 percent of cancers in women.  A woman can lower her
risk by not smoking, exercising regularly, and breast-feeding her babies.
..."  :)

I am definitely going to write and thank them for including breastfeeding
(even if it is hyphenated), does anyone have an email address for them?
 Otherwise I will just use snail mail!

Sandy Arnold, IBCLC
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