Judy and all,
I saw a midwife when I was pregnant with each of my 3 pregnancies. I
planned and successfully had 3 Homebirths. During my pregnancy my midwife
had me drink rasberry tea, good for toning the uterus, and told me to have
on hand , for labor, Blue and Black Cohosh Tea. I used it twice- once
with my first labor and with my 3rd labor. Both times, my contractions
had slowed down considerably, and the midwife thought it might be helpful
to get them going again. Both times, after sipping a cup of the brewed
tea, my contractions were back. You are not supposed to use either of
these teas at all during pregnancy, and check all others before using
because I think there are others besides the Cohoshes and Golden Seal
that can have this affect.

Jayne Miller, LLLL Bronx, NYC