Katherine Dettwyler talked about the frequently nursing babies as being
never really hungry.  What a delightful condition for a baby!

I explain to classes the reason that babies don't like to go from very
empty to very full to very empty this way:

In our house of all-males-but-one, we were having pizza, and I helped
myself to a second piece before I had finished the one on my plate.  My
husband asked me why I did that.  I thought about it, and told him, "I
think I'm trying to assure my future food supply in an uncertain
situation."  When I ask a group how many of them do the same at a pizza
party, a lot of hands go up.  We don't want to be caught short when
we're not sure what the future holds.

The baby who lets his stomach get empty has put himself at risk.  He has
no guarantee that Mom is going to fill it again before he runs out of fuel -
especially if he isn't an in-arms baby.  The smart baby is the one who
keeps topping off his tank.  And a baby tops off his tank by nursing often.

Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC, LLLL  Ithaca, NY
who finds the need to grab that piece of pizza growing greater as the boys
get bigger.