
One analogy that I like to give moms who feel that bottlefeeding will be
easier is comparing breastfeeding and bottlefeeding to learning to ride a
bicycle and a tricycle.  The tricycle (like bottlefeeding) is easier to learn
in the very beginning, but it is harder in the long run to ride a tricycle
all the way downtown.  Breastfeeding is more like the bicycle, you wobble,
even fall off occasionally and skin your knee (nipple?), but it's worth
practicing and is much easier in the long run to ride a bicycle downtown.  I
also equate seeing the LC is like getting training wheels or having someone
run along beside you while you're learning to ride this bicycle. I don't
remember where I heard this analogy, maybe even on Lactnet, so I apologize if
I am quoting someone else's material. I like it very much, however, and it
seems to get the message across that it's worth it to hang in there while
both mom and baby are learning, and that once it "clicks" that things become
much easier than bottlefeeding ( who now are faced with fixing bottles,
washing dishes, etc.)

Kris Rogers, RN, BSN, IBCLC
Crystal Lake, Il