Your post about things being crazy sometimes reminded me of a mother who would
not use the electric pump she had come to rent until we called the hospital
where she had her baby and had them assure her that she could not catch HIV
from the pump (and the brand new, sterile, totally closed system kit).  This
woman drove me nuts for about 45 minutes on this issue.  While she was on the
phone with the hospital nurse, I remembered that obsessive behavior can be a
part of postpartum depression..and explained this to the dad, who sighed
relief.  Once that was settled, we could go on to the consult, determining why
her little guy was not nursing properly.  All he needed was some
position/latch help.  She left a different woman.  Prolactin works miracles,
it's lack is tough.
        Your twin mom sounds like she is in fantasy land.  I'd like to see who
is going to be around to bottle feed the twins at 2, 3, 4, and 5 am.  I have a
friend who had twins when I had my first (pre LC days), she thought she was
going to get help and bottlefed, she wound up feeding both kids while they sat
in infant seats in front of her, or having one scream while the other ate.
Poor little guys only got held when I came over to help.  No other help
materialized.  When my son was born 6 weeks later, that was the end of my
assistance as well.
        Sometimes you just have to scratch your head.  The ones that kill me
the most are the moms whose husbands/boyfriends won't "let" them bf.  AArgh!
So glad I have all you Lactnet buddies to run to at the end of a tough day.
Catherine Watson Genna, IBCLC  NYC  [log in to unmask]