I'd love to be part of a small e-mail group practice - a few LCs who
get together to share even routine client issues, with more frequent
follow-up than is possible on lactnet.  I like having other heads to
scratch besides my own, but Lactnet is too many heads for the simple,
day-to-day contact I have in mind - the mini-triumphs, the mini-tragedies,
how that nipple-confused 6-day-old and mom are doing today, even little
things like what code to use on line 24C of the HCFA 1500 form.  I have
co-LLLLeaders in town, but it's not the same as talking to other LCs.

*Anyone interested in this risk-free offer can e-mail me privately.*

(And the nipple-confused baby?  Nursing again, but mom had bound her
breasts with an Ace bandage for a couple days before she called.  We'll

Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC, LLLL  Ithaca, NY