Don't you love health care professionals who so glibly say "breastfeeding is
out of the question."

While other Lactnetters may be able to provide more specific information
about hemomangiomas and surgical sequelae, I can say that the most effective
test for lactation is to try it. Like many of you, I've had several women
who have come to me after their specialists have said nursing would be "out
of the question"--NOT!

Awhile back I had a patient who six years earlier had had reduction surgery
(guess she wasn't a Texan, Barbara!) and her areolas had been repositioned
(cut all the way around and sewn back in place). Her OB, surgeon and the
second-opinion surgeon dismissed her with the aforementioned
"out-of-the-question" response. Looking at her scars I had doubts, myself;
but she was so adamant that she wanted to bf--and she was leaking colostrum
in the 8th month. In situations like this I give the "breastfeeding is more
than feeding, it is a lovely way to build a relationship, success isn't
measured in ounces...(you all know this speech). I also gave her a
supplementer and showed her how to use it so she would be able to nurse the
baby even if lactation didn't get going --but she never used it. She "nursed
early and nursed often." Baby was slow gainer in first month--but within low
normal range, so pediatrician didn't jump in with supplements--and by two
months was gaining normally on 100% breastfeeding. I lost contact with this
patient when baby was 8 months, and she was "still" bf.

BTW: a few months later I mentioned the outcome of this case to one of the
surgeons who had said "out of the question." First I got the "deer caught in
headlights" stare; then he quite honestly said it had never occured to him
to tell her to "try it."

OK. That is my contribution to the subject of tests. I never say
breastfeeding is out of the question; I say "good question--let's see how it
turns out."

**Please share the outcome of this case.**
Thanks to all who have been discussing similar cases; I need this info. (I'm
not the only woman who hasn't had cosmetic surgery, am I?)

Margery Wilson, IBCLC
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA USA