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Hello, I'm new to Lactnet. My name is Mariza Fetters LPN, IBCLC. I've bee=
n married to a loving husband Randy for 14yrs . We are blessed to have a =
wonderful 9 yr old daughter whom I breastfed for 2 1/2  yrs. I have been =
a member of  LLLI for 9 1/2 years of which I was a co-leader for 4 yrs. I=
 am currently employed  and job share at a Children's Hospital in Ohio as=
 an IBCLC for the last 3 yrs. It is a Level III NICU and interact with mo=
thers of premature and  very ill infants. We promote and provide breastfe=
eding information and instruct our mothers who wish to initially provide =
breastmilk then eventually have their babies at breast before discharge.
We also deal with outside clients who are older breastfeeding infants, 40=
 weeks and older at our clinic, Pediatric floors and emergency room. Whic=
h leads me to my two somewhat similar questions which both occurred withi=
n  2 weeks. =

SITUATION #1: Mom with a 5 day old infant admitted to ER who is vomiting =
ketchup color blood about one inch in diameter with each vomiting episode=
=2E Mom is an experienced BF who nursed 2 previous children  with no comp=
lications. Mom has no symptoms of cracked ,sore or bleeding nipples. No h=
istory of plugged ducts, mastitis or yeast infection. Also no problems wi=
th delivery. Mom does however have a                                     =
                    history of fibrocystic breast which according to her =
MD has not recurred recently. Baby had numerous test done including a sco=
pe with normal results. Mom pumped for breastmilk while in the ER and obt=
ained 1 oz. from one breast with cloudy dark pink breastmilk which also h=
ad an one inch strand of reddish tissue. Other breast pumped with normal =
color breastmilk. Mom and baby sent home with no further treatments. Mom =
was told by IBCLC to see her MD for further testing or exam of her breast=
=2E Awaiting her results from her visit.
SITUATION #2: Mom with a 3 mo old admitted to ER who is also vomiting ket=
chup color blood. Mom an experienced BF who nursed for 1yr. with no compl=
ications. No symptoms of cracked, sore or bleeding nipples. No history of=
 plugged, mastitis or yeast infection. No history of fibrocystic breast. =
Again baby tested negative. Mom pumped pinkish colored breastmilk from bo=
th breast and sent home. Mom occasionally still has pink tinged breastmil=
k and baby with pink spit ups. Mom saw MD who stated she has an intraduct=
al papilloma .
If anyone has any answers, please contact me at my E-Mail [log in to unmask]

