Whilst my children were little I used to hold LLL meetings in my house. My husband works from home and every once in a while a mother would catch a glimpse of him. This led to a number of questions about how our husbands felt about seeing other women nurse and whether or not they felt left out because they Daddies can't nurse.  I asked my husband about his feelings and will share them with you.  He said that seeing a woman nurse inspired feelings of tenderness rather than sexual arousal, and that just as he did not feel deprived because I was the one to give birth, so he did not feel deprived because I was the one to nurse. I was going to say that I think it's wonderful that he is so comfortable about his role as a father, but on second thoughts, shouldn't that be the norm? For anyone who's interested, there is a new book out called "Mothering and Fathering," available through La Leche League International, which addresses the differing roles we assume as parents. IMHO, bab!
 ies need both mothers and father e

qually, precisely because they *are* different.

Norma Ritter, IBCLC, LLLL                           "If not now, when? If not us, who?"