Dear Tom Hale and others
Apologies, I didn't realise that Moclobemide wasn't available in the US. Usually
Australia is years behind the rest of the world in pharmaceuticals, and I assumed
you would be familiar with it.
The major difference between Moclobemide (marketed as Aurorix in Aust) and other
MAOIs is that this is a reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor. There are no interactions
with foods or narcotics, unlike the older nonreversible inhibitors. It seems a vast
improvement on other MAOIs, but as I don't have first hand experience with treating
lactating women with it, I can't add more information.
I certainly agree with Tom Hale that non-reversible MAOIs are not compatible
with lactation, and they are rarely used at all in Australia due to their side
effects etc.

Fiona Coombes MBBS IBCLC
Perth Western Australia
Another hot day - off to the pool again!!